Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Home for Good?

I've been wanting to write one last post to end my time in Korea but I wasn't sure I was ready to officially end it in my head.

a whole book full of letters and pictures!
I left Korea on July 20, 2013. Even though I am back in California for about a few weeks, I haven't even change the time on my watch. My computer still thinks I'm in Korea; maybe I feel like this is just a visit home. I don't have a yearning to go back to Korea but I do miss the faces and the places. I randomly have images of a certain place... like a the bus stop, the Homeplus, my Korean bedroom... I don't think I will ever stop having these images.

I was sad leaving Korea but I knew it was the right time. I think if I stayed longer I would hate it, especially if I have to go through winter again. Surprisingly I did not cry (there were some tears but I held it back). I still haven't cried. I think it's because before I came, I knew I would leave someday. My heart was prepared for it. Still I left a part of my heart in Korea.

Home has been busy; I've been visiting and hanging out with a lot of people. In a way, I keep myself busy because I know if I'm bored, I would want to leave home again. I honestly think I have a problem because I can't stay put in one place. Maybe it's normal for my age... still young and wanting to see everything!

You got to love the drawings!
I know in my heart that I will visit Korea again, not sure when and how but I just know it. I think there are too many people for me in Korea. I must visit again to see them.

I really want to travel but I think it's good for me to stay put at least for this coming year. Maybe this blog will turn into my world travels blog instead of just Korea! We'll see.

In the end, I am thankful for Korea and everything that it had taught me. I came to Korea thinking, I should try out teaching to see if I can do this and I loveeee it!!! I know now that I want to be a teacher and I will pursue it as a career. I am not sure if I will teach in California or abroad again but all I know is I just want to teach! I was grateful for all the gifts and letters I received before leaving. They are so kind and sweet! I learned so much about myself and how to live on my own through this experience. There were bad times and there were lonely nights but I wouldn't change anything. I am glad I made this decision to teach English in Korea.

I think she's giving a Korean boy for my good bye gift!

letters from 4th grade; such a sweet class
1st grade

3rd grade

5th grade

2nd grade

TaeHong Kim, My swimming instructor for three months! 
The friendly secretary

The principal 

Mentor Teacher

Co-teacher: SaeHee Kim